Hair Restoration: PRP and Cellular Therapy
Hair Restoration with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Cellular Therapy
PRP is an exciting new addition to the area of hair restoration. There are 80 % of men and 20 % of women who suffer from hair loss. Whether your hair loss is genetic, from stress, or any medical condition- hair loss is a major concern for both men and women
How is PRP and Cellular Therapy used for Hair Restoration?
PRP for hair restoration begins by drawing the patient’s own blood and placing it into the Magellan automated dual spin processing system. This superior technology provides a high quality of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet Poor Plasma (PPP). The application of PRP causes very small hair follicles to become healthier and larger. PRP stimulates angiogenesis and new cell growth by activating follicular adult stem cells and growth factors. The scalp is numbed with a topical lidocaine to help with comfort and then injected with PRP. We recommend three sessions one month apart for the best outcome. Results can last up to 18-24 months. Follow up at 1 year is recommended for evaluation.
What to Expect After the Procedure
The scalp may be red and inflamed for 24-48hrs. Do not take any medications that contain aspirin for 2 weeks following the procedure. Avoiding vigorous activity or exercise for 48hrs after the procedure. The hair can be washed the next day with an organic or mild shampoo that is sulfate free. New hair growth can be seen as early as 4 weeks.

Who are good candidates for hair restoration with PRP and Cellular Therapy?
People who have thinning hair, and those with androgenetic alopecia (hair loss at the top of the scalp and a receding hairline particularly along the temples), women with male pattern alopecia can all benefit from it. PRP and Cellular Therapy for hair restoration is best for patients whose hair is starting to thin. Patients who have active infection on the scalp and are on blood thinning medications are not good candidates for PRP and Cellular Therapy.
Why choose Timeless Age Medical?
PRP and Cellular Therapy is extremely beneficial but it is important to know that not all technology is the same. When processed using inferior equipment or older techniques, the specific healing properties and overall effectiveness can vary greatly and impact your therapy results.
Here at Timeless Age Medical we offer the utmost superior technology called The TruPRP Magellan technology which provides an automated dual spin processing system that can deliver (PRP) Platelet Rich Plasma as well as (PPP) Platelet Poor Plasma. The Magellan produces platelet counts 4-6 times baseline providing PRP that is rich in platelet growth factors as well as a fibrin matrix to provide you with best results possible.
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